
My name is Richard Dok, also know as JubilantRich online from Ghana. I am a founder, an author, a Developer, a designer and admin/editor of this technical blog How-to in Tech & Coding purposely to assist tech enthusiasts with their 'How-to" questions in the field of Tech. I am a computer Science graduate and very passionate about tech, programing and software development. Also, i am a Google certified digital marketer, Java software Developer with interest in Big Data Analytics in java and open to learning mew skills in Data science.

1 top best roofing sheet type to consider in Ghana

Most preferred Roofing materials in Ghana. Roofed Building makes our building complete as a home, this in a long way helps our homes protect us from rainfall, sunshine, and unknown hazard, just to mention a few. Roofing sheet types considered in Ghana are mostly recommended by roofing companies with expertise of which Rudon roofing ltd is not …

1 top best roofing sheet type to consider in Ghana Read More »